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Icelandic government faces political crisis over Yazan Tamimi deportation debate

Monday 16th 2024 on 22:38 in  

The Icelandic government faced significant political tension last night regarding the potential deportation of Yazan Tamimi and his family. The Minister of Justice unexpectedly postponed the deportation after requests were made for the issue to be discussed in the government.

Political scientist Eiríkur Bergmann commented that the coalition’s stability was under threat, suggesting that the events of the day revealed considerable difficulties for the Left-Green Movement, the party embroiled in the debate. He indicated that there was a possibility the party might even question their ability to continue in the coalition if the deportation proceeded.

Despite the postponement, the Minister of Justice confirmed that the decision regarding Yazan’s deportation still stands. Eiríkur believes the political landscape has changed, making it much more complicated to deport Yazan given the heightened public attention.

He noted that the timeframe for moving Yazan and his family to Spain is running out, as Spanish authorities have limited time left to accept them. If that arrangement fails, it would be significantly harder to deport him to Palestine.

Eiríkur stated that crucial political considerations have unfolded, emphasizing that the government is in a precarious situation. This development could redefine the coalition’s future, highlighting the intersection of immigration issues with broader political dynamics in Iceland.

(via ruv.is)