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Coalition government faces turmoil over Yazan Tamimi’s deportation in Iceland

Monday 16th 2024 on 22:23 in  

In the early hours, the coalition government faced significant tension regarding the potential deportation of Yazan Tamimi and his family. The Minister of Justice unexpectedly postponed their removal following a request for the matter to be discussed in the government.

Political scientist Eiríkur Bergmann commented that the coalition was on shaky ground, especially given the turmoil surrounding the decision to send Tamimi and his family out of the country. He noted that the situation had become increasingly complicated for the Left-Green Movement, which appeared to have intervened decisively today.

“It wouldn’t surprise me if they expressed uncertainty about continuing in this coalition if the planned deportation proceeded,” Eiríkur stated during an evening broadcast.

Despite the postponement, the Minister underscored that the decision to deport Tamimi still stands. Eiríkur observed that political challenges in executing the deportation have now escalated, bringing increased scrutiny to the case.

The deadline for transferring Tamimi and his family to Spain is rapidly approaching, with only a few days remaining before the directive would lapse. Eiríkur warned, “If this is not resolved soon, it will be significantly harder to deport him to Palestine.”

There are concerns that time may expire, prompting a reassessment of the situation. Eiríkur indicated that substantial political issues may have contributed to the government’s precarious position. This unfolding drama highlights the complexities of immigration policies in the region and the intersecting pressures faced by the current administration.

(via ruv.is)