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Icelandic police criticized for forceful operation involving Yazan Tamimi at local hospital

Monday 16th 2024 on 20:43 in  

The Icelandic police’s actions at the home of Yazan Tamimi, a patient at a local hospital, have drawn criticism from his lawyer, Albert Björn Lúðvígsson. Lúðvígsson described a significant use of force during police operations last night, which led to the family being taken to Keflavik Airport. He mentioned that the family’s front door was damaged and that there were other signs of distress within their apartment.

During this operation, Yazan was allegedly isolated in a secured room for seven hours at the airport. His family was initially unaware of the details, and communicative barriers arose as no interpreter was present when Yazan’s mother attempted to contact her lawyer.

Unexpectedly, early in the morning, Yazan and his family were allowed to return home, following intervention from the Minister of Social Affairs, who had contacted the Minister of Justice requesting a halt to the deportation procedure. The Minister confirmed that operational delays had occurred, although the underlying decision to reject Yazan’s asylum request remained in place.

In a statement, the hospital emphasized the importance of clarifying the government’s authority regarding their access to health institutions for the purpose of deporting sick individuals. Furthermore, the hospital highlighted that police operations inside healthcare facilities can significantly disrupt sensitive services and impact the vulnerable individuals relying on them. This incident raises questions about the balance between law enforcement actions and the rights of patients within healthcare settings.

(via ruv.is)