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Family shocked after police attempt deportation of Yazan Tamimi in Reykjavík

Monday 16th 2024 on 20:08 in  

Mohsen Aburajab Tamimi, the father of Yazan Tamimi, expresses his family’s shock following a tumultuous night. He reports that his son is deeply distressed after the police attempted to apprehend him without prior warning. For some time, there have been plans to deport Yazan, which have been repeatedly protested due to his condition—he suffers from Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

Last night, Yazan was at the Rjóðríð nursing and rehabilitation department of Landspítali, where he has been receiving medical treatment. Around 11 PM, police arrived unexpectedly to take Yazan and his family away, despite the family and their lawyer believing there would be no immediate deportation due to Yazan’s hospitalization.

Mohsen was at home when police forcibly entered, taking him without allowing him to contact his wife or lawyer. He recounts feeling like a criminal despite not having committed any offense, expressing disbelief at the police’s treatment and the lack of communication.

After an approximately eight-hour wait at Leifsstöð airport, the family was ultimately informed that the deportation had been suspended at the request of Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson, the Minister of Social Affairs and chairman of the Left Greens, for further discussion in the government. However, the family remains confused about the situation, having received no explanations beyond the stop of the deportation. Yazan’s health, as well as that of his parents, remains fragile, and they are uncertain about what the future holds.

(via ruv.is)