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Deportation decision for Yazan Tamimi confirmed by Justice Minister in Alþingi session

Monday 16th 2024 on 18:13 in  

The decision to deport Yazan Tamimi remains in effect despite a temporary suspension announced this morning. This statement was made by the Minister of Justice during a session of the Alþingi today.

In a response to a query from Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, chairman of the Centre Party, Justice Minister Guðrún Hafsteinsdóttir confirmed that the order for Tamimi’s deportation stands, even though its execution has been postponed. Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson, the Minister of Social Affairs and chairman of the Left-Green Movement, called for the pause in deportation to allow discussion of the matter at the government level.

Sigmundur questioned what might have happened had the request for delay not been honored, implying that the Left-Green Movement’s ministers might threaten to terminate their coalition if their demands were not met. He asked whether the minister believed she had the legal authority to intervene in this manner.

In her response, Guðrún did not address the question regarding the potential for a government breakup related to the issue. She explained, “Before leaving Keflavik Airport, I received a request from the Minister of Social Affairs to postpone this operation, as he wished to discuss this specific case in the government. I decided to comply with that request and thus instructed the Chief of National Police to delay the departure for a time. However, this does not alter the fact that the deportation decision remains, albeit the execution has been postponed.”

(via ruv.is)