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Jonas Nygren appointed new head of Kombispel amid sales controversy in Sweden

Monday 16th 2024 on 18:13 in  

On Monday, the Social Democrats announced that Jonas Nygren, former municipal councilor in Sundbyberg, will be the new head of Kombispel. In his first interview, he emphasized the importance of restoring trust in the organization. “What has emerged in the media is very serious, and therefore a thorough review is crucial to identify where things went wrong and how we can improve,” Nygren stated.

Last Friday, the party ended its collaboration with the telemarketing company Effective Communication, which handled sales for Kombispel. According to Nygren, it is clear that significant issues existed regarding their operations. “Telemarketing has been an established method used by many, including large companies like Fortum and Telia. Now, we need to assess what led to the highlighted situation,” he said.

The criticism directed at both the Social Democrats and Kombispel has been severe following reports of aggressive sales tactics targeting pensioners. Furthermore, it has come to light that several individuals associated with the call center may have links to organized crime.

After initially pausing cooperation with Effective Communication, party leadership decided to dismiss CEO Jonas Lindholm last Friday due to internal pressure. The entire board was also urged to resign. “Ultimately, the responsibility for oversight lies with the board,” said party secretary Tobias Baudin.

When asked about the impact of the scandal on Kombispel’s reputation, Nygren refrained from speculation, noting that many customers still appreciate their subscriptions. He advised individuals who have purchased tickets from unscrupulous sellers to contact customer service for assistance, emphasizing that all complaints are taken seriously.

(via svt.se)