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Deportation decision for Yazan Tamimi remains effective despite temporary halt in Iceland

Monday 16th 2024 on 18:03 in  

The decision to deport Yazan Tamimi remains effective despite a temporary halt to the operation, announced the Minister of Justice during a session at the Althingi today. Guðrún Hafsteinsdóttir responded to a question from Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, the leader of the Centre Party.

Minister of Social Affairs, Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson, requested the postponement of the deportation to discuss the matter further within the government. “What would have happened if that request had not been honored? Did the ministers of the Left-Green Movement threaten to withdraw from the government collaboration if the Minister of Justice did not reconsider this issue? Does the Minister believe there is a legal basis for intervening in this matter?” Sigmundur asked.

Guðrún did not answer whether there had been threats of government dissolution related to the situation. “Before we departed from Keflavik International Airport, I received a request from the Minister of Social Affairs and the Labor Market to delay the execution since he wished to discuss this specific case in the government. I decided to honor that request, thus instructing the National Commissioner of Police to postpone the operation for now. However, it does not alter the fact that the decision for deportation stands, even though its implementation has been paused,” Guðrún stated.

Yazan Tamimi’s case has sparked significant political debate, as discussions continue regarding the legal and ethical implications of his planned deportation.

(via ruv.is)