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Sámi culture threatened by climate change, study reveals

Monday 16th 2024 on 16:55 in  

A recent report reveals that climate change significantly threatens Sámi culture, leading to the loss of traditions, skills, and knowledge. This information comes from a separate study commissioned by the Sámi Truth and Reconciliation Commission, focusing specifically on climate change’s impact.

The Sámi homeland is warming three times faster than the rest of the world, which affects both the environment and culture. Rising temperatures have detrimental effects on fish stocks and complicate reindeer husbandry. Reindeer, already afflicted by parasites, are expected to suffer even more from various pathogens. Moreover, the increasing frequency of extreme weather conditions poses diverse risks for those navigating the natural landscape. Changes in snow conditions, for instance, heighten the likelihood of accidents.

Researchers Klemetti Näkkäläjärvi, Jouni J. K. Jaakkola, and Suvi Juntunen have presented their findings to the Sámi Truth and Reconciliation Commission. They propose several concrete measures to ensure the survival of Sámi culture in the face of climate change. Suggested actions include revising legislation and establishing a Sámi livelihood and climate fund. Other recommendations focus on legislation, environmental protection, Sámi education, and preserving traditional knowledge and services within Sámi territories.

The report indicates that Finland has not taken adequate steps to safeguard Sámi culture against the repercussions of climate change.

(via yle.fi)