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Finland considers changes to matriculation exams to include physical education, music, and visual arts

Monday 16th 2024 on 16:10 in  

Traditionally, Finland’s matriculation examinations have emphasized academic subjects, but significant changes are on the horizon. According to Yle, if the Finnish Parliament approves the government’s proposal, students will be able to take matriculation exams in physical education, music, and visual arts. These subjects could potentially become one of the five mandatory examinations. The first exams for these creative and practical subjects could take place in the fall of 2029.

Students at Kuusankoski High School shared their thoughts on this proposal. Leona Salonen, a first-year student, expressed enthusiasm for including physical education and visual arts, believing it would elevate their importance in the school curriculum. She noted, “Right now, they feel like a break from standard classes. They could be taken more seriously.”

Silja Karlsson echoed this sentiment, emphasizing her love for music and a desire for peers to appreciate music classes more. She mentioned that some students attended music and sports classes merely for relaxation rather than genuine interest.

Nico Lindström, a second-year student, found the proposal intriguing but raised concerns about how these subjects would be assessed. Classmate Siyaad Husein suggested that practical skills could be evaluated, such as performance in fitness tests or musical proficiency.

Akram Hassan, another second-year student, supported the initiative and would select physical education if it were possible to take it as part of the exams.

In the meantime, the fall matriculation exams commenced this Monday with language and literature assessments.

(via yle.fi)