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Gudmundur requests halt to deportation of Yazan Tamimi and family in Iceland

Monday 16th 2024 on 14:43 in  

Gudmundur Ingi Gudbrandsson, Iceland’s Minister of Social Affairs and Nordic Affairs and Chairman of the Left-Green Movement, has requested that the deportation of Yazan Tamimi and his family be halted to allow for further discussions regarding their case. His appeal led to Justice Minister Gudrún Hafsteinsdóttir ordering the police to stop the family’s removal, which was scheduled to take place today.

Yazan and his mother were picked up from Rjóðrið, a nursing and rehabilitation center for children with chronic illnesses, while their father was collected from the family’s home. The family was transported to Keflavik International Airport, where they remained until the following morning before being returned to Reykjavik.

Yazan’s lawyer, Albert Björn Lúðvígsson, stated that neither he nor the family have received any information from the police regarding the next steps. The family is currently resting and recovering, as they had not slept the previous night.

This situation unfolds amid ongoing discussions on immigration policies and the handling of asylum cases within Iceland.

(via ruv.is)