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Man detained for attempted murder in Vantaa’s Pähkinärinne shopping center

Monday 16th 2024 on 14:25 in  

The Eastern Uusimaa District Court has today detained a man in his thirties on probable cause for attempting murder in Vantaa’s Pähkinärinne last Thursday. The man is suspected of shooting a roughly fifty-year-old man inside a retail space at the Pähkinärinne shopping center shortly after 4 PM. The victim sustained serious injuries and has been hospitalized over the weekend. According to investigating officer Rauno Jämsä, the victim’s condition is not critical, and he may be transferred from intensive care to a general ward today.

Several eyewitnesses were present during the incident, and the police have yet to interview all of them, leaving the motive unclear. Authorities are also looking into whether the suspect and the victim were acquainted. The suspect was apprehended shortly after the incident in a car near the Pirkkola Sports Park in Helsinki.

The deadline for filing charges in this case is December 3.

(via yle.fi)