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Faroese Traffic Safety Council launches campaign against mobile phone use while driving

Monday 16th 2024 on 14:18 in  
Faroe Islands

Distraction caused by mobile phone use is one of the leading causes of traffic accidents, according to studies in neighboring countries.

To address this issue, the Faroese Traffic Safety Council and insurance companies have initiated a campaign aimed at changing public attitudes toward using mobile phones while driving.

Lovisa Petersen Glerfoss, the director of the Traffic Safety Council, spoke about the campaign during a morning radio program.

Statistics from Denmark indicate that distractions account for over 50 percent of all traffic-related fatalities.

Earlier this year, traffic regulations in the Faroe Islands were amended, imposing a fine of 1,500 Danish kroner for using handheld mobile devices while driving, in addition to points deducted from the driver’s license.

(via kvf.fo)