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Social Democrats face backlash over lottery ticket sales targeting elderly in Sweden

Monday 16th 2024 on 13:33 in  

Following revelations that Effective Communication targets confused elderly individuals to sell lottery tickets, the Social Democrats have faced significant backlash. The lottery sales were managed by Kombispel, a company owned by the Social Democrats, which, in turn, utilized the services of telemarketing firm Effective Communication.

In light of these disclosures, the Social Democrats terminated their contract with Effective Communication and dismissed Kombispel’s CEO, Jonas Lindholm. Additionally, Fortum has announced that it will pause its agreement with Effective Communication.

“We need a clearer understanding of their procedures and guidelines,” stated Elin Tibell, press officer at Fortum. She emphasized the importance of examining collaboration protocols, ensuring a reasonable working environment for employees, and reviewing recruitment practices.

Tibell indicated that prior to the revelations, Fortum was satisfied with its collaboration with Effective Communication. However, she noted, “Our assessment is that we cannot continue this partnership without conducting a thorough review of these aspects. While they have met our high standards thus far, it does not provide a complete picture of the entire company.”

Fortum is committed to making sure that Effective Communication meets the required standards; otherwise, the paused collaboration may lead to its termination.

(via svt.se)