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Danish fishermen praised for sustainable practices despite authorship controversy

Monday 16th 2024 on 12:43 in  

Danish fishermen deserve commendation for their significant efforts to transition toward sustainable fishing practices, as stated in a letter to the editor published last Monday. However, the article may give the impression that it was authored by six mayors from Northern Jutland, whereas it was actually written by the Danish Fishermen’s Association, a lobby organization advocating for the fishing industry. An inquiry revealed that the mayors did not modify the text.

In the same letter, the authors defend the controversial fishing method known as trawling, which involves dragging heavy equipment across the ocean floor to catch fish. This technique has been deemed problematic by several researchers, who argue that the authorship should have been clearly stated as belonging to the Danish Fishermen’s Association.

Søren Smalbro, the mayor of Hjørring and chair of the Northern Jutland Fishing Municipality Network, emphasized that it is inconsequential who wrote the letter, as both he and the mayors agree with its contents. He characterized the association not as lobbyists but as partners, stating that mayors often receive assistance in drafting public statements.

However, Christoph Ellersgaard, a political researcher, pointed out the importance of transparency regarding the authorship of such communications, asserting that public discourse relies on knowing who is behind the message. Ana Skorkjær Binderskrantz, a lobbying researcher, echoed these concerns, stating that revelations of this nature can undermine public trust in politicians and harm democracy.

Before the authorship was clarified, Læsø’s mayor had initially claimed it was a collaborative effort among the mayors. Upon confirmation that the text was entirely from the fishing association, the mayor declined further comment when contacted again.

(via dr.dk)