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Santapark acquires Vartiosaari island in Rovaniemi for €1.42 million

Monday 16th 2024 on 09:25 in  

Santapark Oy, a renowned tourism giant, has acquired Vartiosaari, an island located in Rovaniemi that is home to a small boutique hotel. Nestled in the Kemijoki River, the island holds historical significance, having been part of Rovaniemi’s maps since 1712 and serving as a guard station in its early days. Its multifaceted history extends from the Great Northern War to World War II, where it was a headquarters for Finnish reconnaissance forces. A noteworthy feature of the island is a small pavilion that dates back to the 19th century.

Currently, Hotel Vartiosaari comprises 11 rooms, a 50-seat restaurant, a four-bedroom villa, and two saunas, accessible via a suspension bridge. According to Santapark’s CEO Kenneth Tuomi, the acquisition aligns perfectly with the Santapark Arctic World brand, which emphasizes memorable experiences and unique destinations in the Arctic region. He believes Vartiosaari’s location, historical ambiance, and distinctive characteristics will add significant value to the company’s offerings.

According to the Real Estate Register of the National Land Survey of Finland, the purchase price for the property was €1.42 million, covering an area of 1.8 hectares. The previous transaction in 2016 saw it sold for €325,000, with the price increase attributed to substantial investments made by the former owner, Levifarm Oy. Anni Ylinampa, CEO of Hotel Vartiosaar, expressed confidence that the sale to Santapark will ensure the island is respected for its history and can shine anew.

Santapark plans to unify the Vartiosaari brand to match the service level of its Arctic Treehouse Hotel and enhance the island’s offerings. Other establishments within the Santapark family include the Arctic Treehouse Hotel, Rakas Restaurant, Santa Park, Joulukka, and Hidden Arctic Cloud villas.

(via yle.fi)