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People’s Party leads voter survey in Faroe Islands with significant increase

Saturday 14th 2024 on 11:28 in  
Faroe Islands

In a recent voter survey conducted by Spyr.fo for the Portalin newspaper, the People’s Party (Fólkaflokkurin) received 28.8 percent of the votes, marking an increase of nearly 10 percentage points compared to the 2022 election. This reflects a significant surge of 52 percent, which would enable the party to secure 10 parliamentary seats, up from their current six.

The second-largest party, according to the survey, is the Union Party (Sambandsflokkurin) with 22.2 percent and eight parliamentary seats, suggesting that these two major opposition parties could form a government together without needing additional support.

The Social Democratic Party (Javnaðarflokkurin) ranks third, garnering 20.4 percent and earning seven parliamentary seats. The Republic Party (Tjóðveldi) follows in fourth place with a notably low 13.2 percent, which would translate to just four parliamentary seats.

The Center Party (Miðflokkurin) received 7.1 percent and the Progress Party (Framsókn) 6.9 percent, giving the two parties a combined total of two parliamentary seats; however, this would mean that the Progress Party would lose one seat.

Out of the 500 individuals surveyed this week, 11 percent have not yet expressed an opinion on their voting preferences.

Further details regarding the voter survey will be discussed in the news at noon.

(via kvf.fo)