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Retailers decorate storefronts for Christmas in Holstebro

Saturday 14th 2024 on 10:23 in  

Retailers have started decorating their storefronts with Christmas ornaments, even though summer has barely ended. Shoppers can now find themselves amidst one of winter’s biggest celebrations while out strolling. This is the case in Imerco in Holstebro, where elves and reindeer began appearing on the shelves in mid-September.

Customers have mixed opinions on the early holiday displays. Among the patrons at Imerco, Alex Gregersen voiced his disapproval, stating, “It’s way too early. In my family, we only decorate right up until December 24.” Conversely, Lærke Bogdan appreciates that Christmas hearts are already mingling with cups, cutlery, and plates in the store. “You can’t really start too early,” she remarked.

Store manager Hanne Sørensen believes that preparing for Christmas well in advance is necessary. “We are predominantly a Christmas gift shop, so we need to be ready for the holiday. By that time, we must focus on serving customers and won’t have time to set up elves,” she explained.

As the holiday season approaches, the debate continues over the appropriateness of early Christmas decorations, reflecting a wider trend in retail to kick off celebrations sooner each year.

(via dr.dk)