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New children’s book aims to preserve Vendelbo dialect in Denmark

Friday 13th 2024 on 20:19 in  

Many children and adults in Denmark are familiar with the rhyme about Benny’s pants that burned, and Børge, who exclaimed “oh” because he was wearing Benny’s pants. Since the 1970s, rhymes and verses from Halfdan Rasmussen’s ABC have inspired both children and adults to engage with the Danish language. Now, a new children’s book allows for a similar playful exploration, but in the Vendelbo dialect. The author, Michael Bach Ipsen, is on a mission to preserve this North Jutland dialect before it disappears.

“The language is close to dying out. No one speaks Vendelbo as their mother tongue anymore. To save it, we need grandparents to speak it to their grandchildren so they can deeply absorb it,” says Ipsen. He emphasizes that the book, titled “Michaels ABC på wæjlbomol,” features playful drawings and serves as an effective tool in the fight to maintain the dialect. The book is equipped with translations to standard Danish, English, and phonetic script, making it accessible for descendants in exile and newcomers.

At Sæby Friskole, students are discovering uniquely unfamiliar words and phrases from the Vendelbo dialect, leading to both confusion and amusement. Ipsen observes that while it’s challenging, the book provides an opportunity for kids to learn their cultural heritage. He stresses the importance of dialect beyond mere communication, saying it forms part of our cultural identity and understanding.

Despite his skepticism about the book single-handedly reviving the Vendelbo dialect, Ipsen remains hopeful that it might spark renewed interest. Published by Modersmåls-Selskabet, the book is part of a broader effort to promote dialects in children’s literature.

(via dr.dk)