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Cybersecurity expert warns of rising sophistication in misinformation at Kouvola Security Conference in Finland

Friday 13th 2024 on 18:45 in  

According to Jussi Toivanen, Communications Director at Traficom’s Cybersecurity Center, misinformation and influence targeting citizens will become increasingly sophisticated and personalized. Speaking at the Kouvola Security Conference, Toivanen highlighted that malicious actors can easily profile internet users based on their online activities.

“When you understand how someone thinks, it becomes simple to tailor a message that speaks to them,” Toivanen stated. He pointed out that knowing which channels to use and what messages to send can significantly enhance the effectiveness of communication.

Toivanen also emphasized that information manipulation is deeply rooted in psychology, even if discussions often center around technology. The aims of the message sender are to elicit emotional reactions from recipients. “A compelling story that evokes emotions tends to spur people into action,” he noted.

He warned that feelings like frustration or anger can lead individuals to share messages without scrutinizing the facts.

Toivanen commented on the growing accessibility of AI-based technology, which can create manipulated images and videos and analyze vast amounts of data, including that of social media users. This analysis allows for the precise targeting of content to individuals.

Despite these challenges, Toivanen believes Finland shows resilience against informational manipulation, citing high education levels, media literacy, and strong trust in institutions such as the media and the judicial system. He also stressed the importance of a sense of belonging and future opportunities as protective factors against deceptive messages.

Toivanen urged individuals to approach unexpected messages with common sense and healthy skepticism, asking themselves questions about the motivations behind such communications.

(via yle.fi)