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Mehiläinen Länsi-Pohja hosts recruitment events amid uncertainty at Kemi Central Hospital

Friday 13th 2024 on 17:00 in  

Mehiläinen Länsi-Pohja continues to hold regular recruitment events for healthcare professionals at Kemi Central Hospital, despite uncertainty surrounding the future of hospital services due to network reform. This recruitment practice has been established in Kemi for several years, with three events held each spring and autumn.

Personnel coordinator Mari Yliherva noted that these events have proven effective in attracting qualified candidates, emphasizing the ongoing need for workers. This autumn, the facility is seeking nurses, nursing assistants, physiotherapists, radiographers, dental hygienists, and instrument technicians. Yliherva highlighted a particular demand for skilled nurses across various fields, especially in operating rooms and radiology, while also welcoming students looking for work.

Participants in the latest recruitment event reported gaining valuable information about job opportunities. Kemi residents Päivi Alajas and Henna Tiensuu, both part-time workers seeking longer hours, and nursing student Henri Nuorala, who is familiar with the hospital from his internships, expressed optimism about job prospects, despite concerns regarding the hospital’s future.

CEO Lasse Männistö mentioned that Mehiläinen Länsi-Pohja has its own team for recruiting doctors and does not rely on external agencies for temporary physician services, maintaining a stable workforce over the years. However, changes are anticipated in the upcoming year as the responsibility for emergency specialty physician recruitment will shift to the Lapland welfare region.

Männistö acknowledged that recent decisions to close certain departments, such as the maternity unit, have led to uncertainty among staff. He emphasized the importance of ensuring continuity in operations until the changes take place and confirmed that many employees affected by the closures have been successfully relocated to other positions within the organization.

(via yle.fi)