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Mehiläinen Länsi-Pohja continues recruitment events for healthcare workers at Kemi Central Hospital

Friday 13th 2024 on 17:00 in  

Mehiläinen Länsi-Pohja will continue to organize regular recruitment events for healthcare workers at Kemi Central Hospital, despite uncertainties regarding the future of hospital operations due to network reforms. This recruitment practice has been in place in Kemi for several years, with three events held in the spring and three in the autumn.

According to personnel coordinator Mari Yliherva, these events have proven effective, resulting in new hires for the hospital during each recruitment session. This autumn, the hospital is seeking various healthcare professionals, including registered nurses, nursing assistants, physiotherapists, radiology technicians, dental hygienists, and sterilization technicians. Yliherva noted that there are more applicants than available positions, particularly for skilled nurses in surgery and radiology, and students are also encouraged to apply.

The recruitment evening attracted local residents who expressed interest in a range of job opportunities, including both part-time and full-time roles. Participants shared their aspirations for longer working hours, and many are not deterred by the uncertainties surrounding the hospital’s future, assuring that employment opportunities remain available in the field.

Mehiläinen Länsi-Pohja has its own recruitment team for doctors. CEO Lasse Männistö emphasized that their long-standing experience has yielded positive results and that the availability of healthcare professionals in Kemi has been relatively stable compared to other central hospitals. However, starting next year, the responsibility for recruiting specialized on-call doctors will shift to the Lapland Health and Wellbeing Region.

Männistö acknowledged that recent changes have created uncertainty among staff, especially with the planned closure of the maternity ward at the beginning of next year. He highlighted the challenge of maintaining operations until the transition is complete, while also noting that many dismissed employees have been offered new positions within the organization.

(via yle.fi)