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Otanmäki outdoor swimming pool remains open as Kajaani city reviews financial future

Friday 13th 2024 on 16:05 in  

The outdoor swimming pool in Otanmäki will remain open for now, as revealed during a financial seminar held by Kajaani city. The pool met its visitor and revenue targets over the past summer, drawing approximately 3,900 visitors—300 more than the city’s goal.

However, concerns linger regarding the aging technology at the facility. Kajaani’s financial director, Joni Partanen, noted that while there are some necessary repairs and future upgrades needed, specific costs or detailed action plans for renovations remain undetermined. “We are still assessing how we can sensibly manage the facility with city resources,” he stated.

Partanen highlighted that sponsorship revenues played a significant role in the pool’s financial health this summer. Community association secretary Anja Tiainen expressed satisfaction with the news but is uncertain about finding active volunteers for next year’s operations. “It will depend on how engaged the community becomes. The pool needs to operate on its own reputation now that new users have come and expressed interest,” she remarked.

On a broader scale, Kajaani’s city council convened recently to discuss current municipal finance issues and the upcoming budget for the next year. An update on the city’s financial adjustment program foresees a strengthening of about €6.6 million through 2026, although future uncertainties remain due to recent state budget decisions.

Partanen further commented on the reform of TE services, which will shift responsibility for providing certain services to the municipalities by 2025, resulting in additional funding responsibilities for unemployment benefits. The upcoming budget will also include changes to the school network and introduce stormwater fees, alongside cuts to vocational education and cultural funding. The state’s reduction for vocational training is about €120 million, with Kajaani facing an estimated share of €1.5–2 million. Concerns also arise over cuts to theaters and museums, with financial details expected soon in conjunction with the state’s budget proposal.

(via yle.fi)