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Environmental groups protest wind farm project in Iceland’s highlands

Friday 13th 2024 on 15:13 in  

Environmental groups are protesting against the planned construction of a wind farm near Iceland’s highlands, claiming that the area should never have been designated for energy utilization due to its impact on tourism. The organization Náttúrugrið announced today that it has filed an appeal against the operating license granted by Orkustofnun for the development of thirty wind turbines in Búrfellslundur, located in the Rangárþing ytra region.

The group asserts that the site is a popular destination for tourists heading to the highlands and believes the wind turbines will have significant visibility impacts. Snæbjörn Guðmundsson, a geologist and chairman of Náttúrugrið, emphasized that the turbines, towering at 150 meters, would be highly visible from key routes in the area, including Sprengisandsleið and Fjallabak, thus detracting from the natural landscape.

Research suggests that the presence of wind farms can disrupt visitors, causing them to linger longer in the area, something that raises questions about coexistence with existing hydroelectric facilities nearby. Snæbjörn argues that wind turbines will alter the perception and aesthetic of the environment, which is particularly important as it disrupts areas previously viewed as untouched wilderness—an aspect not adequately considered in the licensing process.

He concluded by stressing that Icelanders bear responsibility for protecting what he calls a precious heritage, stating that the highlands are among the most significant and sacred spaces in Iceland, deserving protection for future generations and the global community.

(via ruv.is)