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Graduates from Health School in Suðuroy encouraged to pursue individualized education options

Friday 13th 2024 on 15:03 in  
Faroe Islands

Individuals who have graduated from the Health School in Suðuroy should be able to present well-documented subjects as they pursue further education, according to Vivie Kirke Davidsen, the school’s director.

Tórbjørn Jacobsen, the mayor of Runavík Municipality, stated on the radio yesterday that not all educational programs should be tailored to align with Setrið, a prominent educational institution in the Faroe Islands. Davidsen agrees with this perspective.

The conversation highlights the ongoing discussions about the relevance and adaptability of educational programs in the region, suggesting a potential shift in focus that may better cater to local needs and opportunities.

For more insights, see the full audio report in the radio news.

(via kvf.fo)