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Shooting in Tampere leaves woman dead, suspect with violent history arrested

Friday 13th 2024 on 13:45 in  

According to police reports, the suspect in the shooting on Hämeenkatu in Tampere has a significant criminal history. Jari Luoto, the lead investigator and crime commissioner, confirmed this but declined to provide further details about the suspect or the case. The Pirkanmaa District Court has received a preliminary notification for the arrest of a Romani man, born in 1987, who is suspected of murder.

Emergency services received a call at 19:46 on Thursday, reporting that a man had shot a woman in the city center of Tampere. Two eyewitnesses interviewed by Yle stated that the deceased is a woman in her thirties of Romani descent, who was accompanied by a young child. The victim was identified as the child’s mother.

Yle Uutiset has reported on individuals involved, providing information deemed relevant for understanding the events. Initial reports about the suspect’s background came from Ilta-Sanomat and MTV. The investigation has confirmed that the victim and the suspect were previously acquainted.

The police are treating the incident as a suspected murder, a firearms offense, and endangerment. Additional charges may be forthcoming. The 1987-born suspect has a prior record involving multiple violent crimes, robberies, assaults, and serious traffic offenses. In 2021, he was sentenced to 4 years and 5 months in prison for two counts of attempted murder.

(via yle.fi)