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Family seeks answers after injuries suffered by man with disabilities in Reykjavík group home

Friday 13th 2024 on 13:38 in  

A family of a man with disabilities living in a Reykjavík group home is perplexed by the inattentiveness of welfare authorities after their relative suffered injuries under staff supervision. The city has denied any claims for compensation.

The mother and brother of the man, who cannot communicate and has the mental capacity of an infant, express concerns about his safety at the facility following two accidents. The man fractured his shoulder after falling out of a wheelchair that was pushed down stairs, and had previously suffered a head injury during a moment of unsupervised time after a bath. The former incident is currently under police investigation.

Gunnar Gunnarsson, the man’s brother, believes that the facility lacks proper oversight. He notes that for a significant duration, there was no manager present, leading to understaffing and inadequate communication with the family after the incidents.

“The apparent negligence towards Sigurður and his family after these incidents is simply incredible,” Gunnar stated. The family is taking care of Sigurður, who has experienced seizures and has been in distress since the accidents. Coronation signs of affection from family members were visible, highlighting their struggle during this time.

A specialized care plan for Sigurður is in place for four weeks, but uncertainty looms thereafter. His mother, Hildur Sólveig Sigurðardóttir, described her difficulties in obtaining information due to the ongoing police investigation.

The city of Reykjavík, in response to the family’s demands for damage compensation, emphasized that the burden of proof lies with Sigurður. Nonetheless, they have offered improvements in staffing at the group home, as well as additional support for Sigurður as he recovers.

(via ruv.is)