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Efling announces protests at Ítalía restaurant in Reykjavík over workers’ rights violations

Friday 13th 2024 on 13:28 in  

Efling, a labor union in Iceland, has announced protests this evening at the restaurant Ítalía in Reykjavík, citing repeated violations of employment agreements and workers’ rights by the establishment’s owner and management. The owner, who acquired the restaurant a few years ago and operates multiple dining venues in the city, has been accused of exploiting staff and failing to meet wage obligations.

Close to 40 workers have approached Efling regarding breaches of employment contracts and wage theft connected to the owner’s restaurants. The allegations include insufficient overtime compensation, inadequate payments for holiday work, and instances of employees being paid below the legal wage rate. Additionally, reports indicate that salaries have been delayed or partially unpaid.

Several cases involving the owner’s restaurants are currently pending with Efling’s labor law department, with seven cases referred to legal representatives. The oldest of these complaints dates back to August 2022, and employees have continued to report similar issues up to the present day.

Efling’s statement emphasizes a clear message to the public: dining at Ítalía contributes to the breach of labor agreements, wage theft, and exploitation of workforce. The protests highlight ongoing efforts to advocate for employees’ rights and fair treatment within the hospitality industry in Iceland.

(via ruv.is)