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Nyborg Municipality expands flexible scheduling initiative for home care staff

Friday 13th 2024 on 10:33 in  

Since 2022, the home care staff in the Egevang district of Nyborg Municipality have taken control of their own work schedules, resulting in fewer sick days and greater job satisfaction. Previously, employees could only request days off, after which their manager created the monthly schedule. Now, staff can collaboratively fill out a work schedule for three months, leading to increased flexibility in their daily lives, according to healthcare worker Trine Rønne Bak.

“I no longer have to swap weekends. For example, if I’m invited to a wedding during a work weekend, I can manage my own schedule without needing to trade shifts,” said Bak. “I can work when I have time and take time off when I need it.”

The process now involves a digital platform where employees can fill in their preferred working days, allowing them to consider their personal commitments more effectively. Christina Hvidkjær Jansen, the district’s manager, notes that the benefits of this system outweigh the drawbacks.

“I’ve observed that my employees have become far more flexible. They experience a better balance between their work and personal lives, and their job satisfaction has significantly increased. They come to work happier and leave knowing why they are scheduled at specific times,” stated Jansen.

For years, the lack of flexibility was a known issue in home care jobs, but Jansen believes that this can change. “We face a long-term challenge of needing more staff, so we must make this profession as appealing as possible. We need to create more flexibility for each employee.”

Due to the positive results from this trial period, Nyborg Municipality has decided to expand this flexible scheduling initiative to all districts within the community.

(via dr.dk)