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Investigation launched into suspected border violations linked to school field trip in Savonlinna

Friday 13th 2024 on 09:55 in  

According to the principal of a school in Savonlinna, suspected border violations that occurred on Thursday at the eastern border are linked to a field trip for ninth-grade biology students. The Border Guard reported that it is investigating five incidents of unauthorized crossings at the Russian border in Rautjärvi, involving a total of ten youths in the border zone.

The principal stated that there were sufficient adult supervisors present during the nature trip to the Hiitola River at Kangaskoski, but he did not disclose further details about the incident. The matter is being discussed among the school, the guardians of the children involved, and authorities.

The Southeast Finland Border Guard has initiated a preliminary investigation into the situation. The principal did not comment on whether any of the youths involved were 15 years old or older, which would indicate criminal liability under Finnish law. In Finland, unauthorized crossing of the state border can result in a fine if the offense is considered minor, while more serious violations could lead to up to one year of imprisonment.

Mikko Ripatti, the head of education in Savonlinna, also declined to provide specific details about the case. He noted that the school has handled the follow-up process appropriately to this point.

(via yle.fi)