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Dolphin Skywalker raises concern after harbor porpoises found dead in Lillebælt, Denmark

Friday 13th 2024 on 09:08 in  

A dolphin named Skywalker has recently caught significant attention in the Lillebælt area of Denmark. The dolphin is suspected of being responsible for the deaths of several harbor porpoises that have washed up on local beaches.

Seafarers in Lillebælt, including daily fisherman Lars Hast, have encountered Skywalker multiple times. He describes the unexpected thrill of having the dolphin appear suddenly alongside his boat, often leading to a startling experience. Hast notes that Skywalker seems quite curious and seeks attention, sharing that simply tapping on the side of the boat can draw the dolphin closer.

On one occasion, the playful dolphin swam up to Hast’s boat and sprayed him with water. He described needing to go into the cabin to escape Skywalker’s antics, showcasing the dolphin’s lively nature.

Members of the Fredericia Sailing Club are also well-acquainted with Skywalker. Recently, during a training session, the dolphin approached and nudged a small dinghy, spinning it twice while the sailor remained onboard. Club chairman Nicolai Aistrup Pedersen highlighted that while the dolphin posed no real danger, its size—similar to the 2-3 meter long boat—can be intimidating.

Following these incidents, the club has decided to relocate training sessions to Juelsminde to avoid potential risks, particularly concerning children sailing in the club. Aistrup expressed concern over the possibility of children falling into the water and the unintended consequences that might follow.

Marine biologist Magnus Wahlberg urges caution regarding Skywalker, noting that while the dolphin does not pose a threat to humans, it can inadvertently cause harm if it plays too roughly. He advises against actively seeking interactions with the dolphin, reminding the public that dolphins are large predators that benefit from keeping their distance from humans.

(via dr.dk)