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New base for Oulu doctor helicopter improves emergency response in Northern Finland

Thursday 12th 2024 on 18:25 in  

The operational conditions for the Finnhems doctor helicopter service in Northern Finland have improved with the establishment of a new permanent base for the Oulu doctor helicopter at Oulu Airport. Previously, the helicopter operated for nearly ten years from temporary facilities resembling trailers. Experiences from the first week in the new base have been positive.

“The base provides the crew and equipment with suitable facilities, enabling us to reach emergency calls faster. Additionally, there is a maintenance hangar, allowing for on-site servicing of the helicopters. The base is equipped with a backup generator, ensuring operations can continue during power outages,” says the base manager, Jaakko Hanni.

Thanks to the new facilities, major maintenance tasks for the helicopters may no longer need to be conducted abroad. The Finnhems FH50 doctor helicopter serves a vast area, including Northern Ostrobothnia, Kainuu, Central Ostrobothnia, and Lapland. According to Hanni, it takes about an hour to fly to the furthest destination from Oulu.

In addition to the Oulu helicopter, the new base will also house backup helicopters for Northern Finland’s medical and rescue services. There will also be a ground unit that can be deployed when the helicopter cannot take off due to bad weather or if the destination is in an area unsuitable for landing.

The Oulu base measures approximately 1,400 square meters and has a construction cost of around 5.5 million euros.

Moreover, the new rooftop landing pad at Oulu University Hospital, set to open in November, is expected to further streamline patient transport. Currently, helicopters must land at a nearby field, where ambulances then transfer patients to the hospital.

(via yle.fi)