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Youth Council proposes mobile phone ban in Central Finland schools

Thursday 12th 2024 on 18:25 in  

The use of mobile phones in schools has been a hot topic throughout Finland. In Central Finland, the Youth Council has initiated a proposal to restrict mobile phone usage during classes. On Thursday in Äänekoski, Chair Meeri Nissinen presented the “Lessons Without Phones” initiative to the region’s education leaders. The aim is to ensure that phones are not visible during lessons in Central Finnish schools.

According to Nissinen, the initiative originated from the youth themselves, who have observed that mobile phones hinder their ability to concentrate. “It is especially difficult to focus on somewhat dull subjects when the phone is beside you during lessons,” Nissinen stated. Notifications from phones can lead to persistent checking, which many students find challenging to overcome.

“We would hope that a mutual agreement could be established to help decrease phone usage during classes,” Nissinen added. Fellow Youth Council member Bertta Humalajoki noted that phones are heavily utilized in schools for various distractions, which detracts from the focus on education. She acknowledged that a ban on phones in classrooms might initially face resistance but believes that, with time, students would adapt to the new norm of not having phones visible.

The youth initiative is the first of its kind in Central Finland. Although implementing a ban on phone use in classrooms is not an easy process, it may lead to changes in school regulations. Nina Peränen from the Central Finland welfare area explained that if the initiative is to be adopted, adjustments to school rules would be necessary. Currently, there is no legal framework addressing phone use during breaks, but Peränen suggested that this issue is being recognized countrywide, and positive results have been seen in trials conducted in Central Finland.

(via yle.fi)