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Elections for school boards set to take place in Denmark

Thursday 12th 2024 on 18:08 in  
Faroe Islands

On November 12, elections for school boards will take place, with candidate lists to be finalized by the end of October. Alongside local municipal elections, voters will also decide on school boards in the 40 public schools across the country.

The Education Directorate is preparing informational materials regarding the school board elections for schools. This material will include a brochure intended for parents, detailing the election process as well as outlining the roles, responsibilities, and rights of a school board, according to Vagn Foldbo, deputy director of the Education Directorate.

Once the school board elections are concluded in November, Janus Vang, chairman of the Parents’ Association Home and School, will provide an overview for the newly elected school board members at the association’s annual meeting. He will discuss what it means to serve on a school board.

Regulations governing school boards are specified in the national school law. The duties of school boards include overseeing the school’s activities and making decisions on all matters concerning the school that are not under the jurisdiction of the municipal council.

(via kvf.fo)