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Ljunggren raises concerns over aggressive phone sales tactics in Sweden

Thursday 12th 2024 on 17:43 in  

After about a week of canceling his subscription to Kobilotteriet, Mattias Ljunggren began receiving multiple phone calls daily from sellers. Despite his requests for them to stop calling and several emails to customer service asking to be removed from their list, the calls continued.

Customer service suggested that he register with the “Nix Register,” a system where consumers can block their phone numbers from unwanted calls. Ljunggren expressed concern for elderly individuals who may not fully understand what they have purchased. He noted, “I think of the elderly who were raised with the idea that you don’t hang up on someone.”

Since May 2022, Kombispel has been reported to the Swedish Consumer Agency 28 times, with 18 of those cases related to phone sales. Some of the complaints involve individuals with dementia who claim they did not understand their purchases. Ljunggren reflected that by prolonging his conversations with the sellers, he could potentially reduce the time they might spend trying to deceive vulnerable seniors. This highlights ongoing concerns about aggressive marketing tactics targeting confused and elderly consumers, raising questions about the ethical implications of such sales practices.

(via svt.se)