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Deputy Ombudsman Maija Sakslin clears Pirkanmaa welfare area of wrongdoing in survey exclusion controversy

Thursday 12th 2024 on 14:25 in  

The Deputy Ombudsman of Parliament, Maija Sakslin, has ruled that the Pirkanmaa welfare area (Pirha) did not violate any laws or neglect its responsibilities when it excluded respondents aged over 79 from a recent survey. This decision followed a complaint from Pauli Kiuru, a member of parliament from Pirkanmaa.

In 2023, Pirkanmaa commissioned a study from Taloustutkimus to gather residents’ opinions on the organization of social and healthcare services. The survey targeted residents aged 18 to 79. Kiuru criticized the exclusion of older individuals, arguing that they should not be omitted from studies without valid justification, deeming this exclusion disrespectful. He expressed that the findings of the research could not be directly used as a basis for decision-making.

In her ruling published on Tuesday, Sakslin found no unlawful procedures or neglect of duty that would warrant further action from the Ombudsman’s office. She clarified that the welfare area has actively involved residents in various ways in developing the social and healthcare service network, allowing those over 79 to influence the process through other means, even if they were not part of the survey.

Kiuru stated that he is not disappointed with the Deputy Ombudsman’s decision and does not regret filing the complaint. He noted that representatives from the Pirkanmaa welfare area have commented in the media that they will pay closer attention to engaging older citizens in the future. Furthermore, Taloustutkimus has removed age limits from their surveys. “The message has been received; it’s not about finding blame but ensuring that the elderly are considered and their voices heard,” Kiuru remarked.

(via yle.fi)