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Prosecutor seeks suspended sentence for man from Lappeenranta in hunting accident in Savitaipale

Thursday 12th 2024 on 14:25 in  

A prosecutor is seeking a suspended prison sentence for a man from Lappeenranta in connection with a hunting accident that occurred in Savitaipale during the fall of 2023. In the charge application, the prosecutor outlines their version of events from a day in September. The man was carrying a shotgun with the barrel pointed downward while his finger or thumb was inside the trigger guard. As the man’s dog jumped against him, the shotgun discharged. The weapon was not safety-locked at the time. The shotgun blast struck a woman from Savitaipale who was standing behind him, resulting in her death due to her injuries.

The prosecutor claims that the man caused the woman’s death through gross negligence and is seeking a conviction for aggravated involuntary manslaughter. The prosecutor considers the act particularly severe because the shotgun was uncocked, the man’s fingers were inside the trigger guard, and he failed to ensure that the barrel was pointed away from any individuals.

The case was discussed today in the South Karelia District Court, with a ruling expected on September 19.

(via yle.fi)