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Steinasafn Petru in Stöðvarfjörður celebrates landmark 50th anniversary in Iceland

Thursday 12th 2024 on 12:03 in  

Steinasafn Petru in Stöðvarfjörður celebrates its 50th anniversary, making it one of Iceland’s most visited museums over the years. The museum, a testament to the lifelong dedication of Petra María Sveinsdóttir, has become a major attraction, drawing thousands of visitors annually. It houses stunning specimens of the most significant stone varieties found in Iceland and has gained fame beyond the country’s borders.

Petra’s grandson, Unnur Sveinsdóttir, shares insights about her grandmother’s deep respect for nature. “She was ahead of her time in how she interacted with the environment,” Unnur says, highlighting Petra’s tendency to collect litter where others discarded it. When hiking with her grandchildren, she would advise them against throwing stones to avoid disturbing hidden elves, a lesson taken earnestly by the children. Petra was known to collect stones that had naturally fallen, preserving the integrity of the earth rather than breaking stones from rock formations.

Recently, locals gathered at the museum for a celebration of its 50 years, marking a tradition that has involved welcoming visitors since Petra and her husband Jon Ingimundarson first opened their collection to the public. The decision to keep the museum perpetually open came on the day Jon was buried in 1974 when many visited to view the stones. Unnur recalls her grandmother’s commitment to share the beauty of the collection with anyone wishing to marvel at it, ensuring that the legacy of Steinasafn Petru continues.

(via ruv.is)