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Finland families navigate educational challenges during budget-friendly travel periods

Thursday 12th 2024 on 07:25 in  

The Huttunen family from Joensuu, who have six children, chooses to travel during budget-friendly periods. Mother Katri Huttunen acknowledges that the kids sometimes struggle to keep up with challenging subjects covered during their time off. Some of her children have received extra tutoring, helping to alleviate the situation, although this adds pressure on teachers. The Huttusens have children in primary, secondary, and upper secondary school, and Katri appreciates the flexibility shown by teachers who understand the value of experiential learning during family trips.

Juuso Kojo from Oulu believes that travel can offer children more educational benefits than drawbacks. His history-loving child has been excited to visit archaeological sites in Knossos and ancient Roman cities, providing rich learning opportunities outside the classroom.

Changes made to Finland’s Basic Education Act last year now require schools to better monitor and prevent absences. Satu Kekki, principal at Turku Normal School, has been encouraging parents not to schedule extra holidays, and this initiative has led to a reduction in extended breaks in cooperation with parents. Similarly, Jyrki Anttila, principal of Hiidenvaara and Kirkonkylä schools in Rusko, remarked that the appropriateness of long holidays is discussed with parents when learning challenges are present.

For families like Minna Pehkosen’s in Kuopio, long weekends have become a preferred practice for spending quality time together. Juuso Kojo, who used to have a similar schedule as a teacher, now travels outside official holiday periods, finding that off-peak prices make this possible.

Both principals raised concerns that missing school can affect students’ social integration and highlight the importance of community experiences in education.

(via yle.fi)