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Local council files complaint against wind power project at Vaðálda in Iceland

Thursday 12th 2024 on 02:23 in  

The local council of Skeiða- and Gnúpverjahreppur has filed a complaint against the planned wind power project at Vaðálda, seeking to annul the operating permit. The council argues that the handling of the case at all levels does not comply with legal standards.

The council claims that the legislative process surrounding the project, including the Parliament’s decision made in June 2022 to categorize Búrfellslund within a utilization framework, lacks legal validity. Throughout the process, the local government has objected to the proposed developments.

In a public statement, the council emphasized that before the construction of the first wind farm in Iceland can proceed, it is essential to finalize a clear strategy regarding wind energy, including the distribution of revenues between the state and municipalities. They stress that the establishment of energy facilities should be conducted in consultation and cooperation with the local community.

In related developments, the local council in Rangárþing ytra has granted Landsvirkjun permission to undertake preparatory works for the proposed wind power project at Búrfell. This permission covers road construction in the project area and the establishment of work camps. The bidding process for the wind turbines has been completed, with an announcement expected in October regarding the selection.

(via ruv.is)