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Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland unite for NATO defense collaboration amid ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict

Wednesday 11th 2024 on 20:23 in  

Historically, conflicts and territorial changes marked the relationships among Scandinavian countries. Today, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland unite in a significantly different context, with all four nations involved in NATO’s defense collaboration for the first time. On Thursday evening, ministers from these countries will participate in a televised debate titled “Nordic Response to Putin’s War,” focusing on their collective defense capabilities and their role in the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

NATO, or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is a military alliance founded in 1949 by 12 countries, including Denmark and the United States, to ensure security after World War II. It currently comprises 32 member nations committed to mutual defense under what is known as the “musketeer oath.” Finland joined NATO in 2023, followed by Sweden in 2024.

Experts note that this represents a “new, unique situation” for Nordic defense collaboration, as previously there was no such cooperative framework. This ongoing dialogue creates an opportunity to explore the potential and perspectives of such cooperation.

One significant development involves the four nations coordinating on uniform purchases for their military personnel, with a contract worth over 425 million euros signed in 2022. This joint procurement aims to cut costs through bulk purchasing while meeting the specific needs of Nordic soldiers operating in similar terrains and climates.

Additionally, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden are enhancing their air force collaboration, demonstrated during a NATO exercise in Norway aimed at achieving seamless operations as a collective force.

Following Sweden and Finland’s NATO acceptance, discussions are underway for a new Nordic command center in Norway to better coordinate defense efforts, particularly in scenarios involving aerial threats.

(via dr.dk)