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Sweden launches inquiry into Ozempic prescription practices amid shortages

Wednesday 11th 2024 on 18:08 in  

The diabetes medication Ozempic has garnered significant attention globally due to its potential for aiding weight loss. In Sweden, however, pharmacies are experiencing widespread shortages, and the Medical Products Agency recommends that Ozempic only be prescribed to diabetic patients.

Despite this, a recent investigation revealed that an online clinic was able to deliver Ozempic directly to someone’s door after a simple online questionnaire was filled out. This raises concerns about the accessibility of the medication, as many patients who genuinely need it are unable to obtain it. Sweden’s health minister, Acko Ankarberg Johansson, emphasized that it is unacceptable for patients to be denied the appropriate medication.

In response to these issues, the government has announced the launch of a state inquiry aimed at addressing problems related to prescription practices. The inquiry will focus on preventing incorrect prescriptions and stopping public funds from going to criminals and unregistered entities. The health minister highlighted the need to provide authorities with more resources and tools for monitoring and oversight of prescriptions.

The inquiry’s mandate includes evaluating whether regulatory changes are needed to enhance monitoring of medication prescriptions, and it will analyze the necessity of amending documentation rules for patient records to better track prescription practices. A report on the inquiry’s findings is expected by March 12, 2026.

(via svt.se)