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Landsvirkjun granted permission to start preparatory work for wind farm at Vaðalda in Rangárþing ytra

Wednesday 11th 2024 on 18:03 in  

The local government of Rangárþing ytra has granted Landsvirkjun permission to start preparatory work at Vaðalda, in connection with the planned wind farm at Búrfell. According to a release from Landsvirkjun, the permission pertains to road construction within the project area and the establishment of temporary work facilities.

Landsvirkjun noted that the bidding process among wind turbine manufacturers is nearing completion, with an announcement expected in October regarding the selected supplier.

Meanwhile, the municipality of Skeiða- and Gnúpverjahreppur plans to appeal the issued power generation license for the wind farm. Their objections include arguments that the project’s impact area extends beyond that defined by Rangárþing ytra.

(via ruv.is)