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Naddoddi returns to Faroe Islands after tragic capsizing incident during Viking route attempt

Wednesday 11th 2024 on 14:48 in  
Faroe Islands

The six-oared boat Naddoddi has returned to the Faroe Islands, as announced on the Facebook page of the local boating association. This morning, Naddoddi was brought ashore at Sund.

Recently, an attempt was made to row and sail Naddoddi, which is based in Tvøroyri, back to Norway, tracing the route of the Vikings. However, the journey, a thrilling adventure for participants from Switzerland, Mexico, and the Faroe Islands, ended catastrophically when the boat capsized.

During the incident, all six crew members fell overboard, but 29-year-old Karla Dana from Mexico became trapped in the boat. Although the others managed to free her, they found she could not be revived despite their efforts.

The survivors successfully made it into a rescue boat, and a helicopter later arrived to assist them.

According to Norwegian police, a large wave caused Naddoddi to capsize.

(via kvf.fo)