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Mayoral uncertainty continues in Copenhagen after Sophie Hæstorp Andersen’s resignation

Wednesday 11th 2024 on 14:38 in  

There has been unrest at Copenhagen City Hall since Sophie Hæstorp Andersen (S) stepped down as mayor to take on the role of Minister for Social Affairs and Housing. On Monday, acting mayor Lars Weiss (S) announced he would consider whether to continue in the role leading up to the municipal elections. After some reflection, he has now decided to take on the responsibilities.

“It has been an incredibly difficult decision. After the summer break, I announced that I would not seek reelection for the next municipal election, so it has been challenging to say that my last term must happen from the mayor’s office with all its associated duties,” Weiss stated.

When asked how he feels about the decision now, he said, “I feel okay with it. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have agreed if I didn’t believe I could manage the task.”

Several parties in the City Council have raised doubts about whether the Social Democrats can retain the mayoral position leading up to the elections following Andersen’s departure. Discontent arose when Laura Rosenvinge, the Social Democrats’ political spokesperson, indicated that Weiss would continue as mayor without consulting other parties.

“It isn’t predetermined who will continue as mayor; that discussion needs to happen, and it is underway,” said Christopher Røhl of the Radical Left. Weiss hopes his announcement will bring stability. “I think it’s good if things settle down now. I hope to contribute to focusing on what we are here for, which is to run Copenhagen and make it a better city.”

The parties will officially decide on the mayoral candidate at a meeting on September 19. Weiss’s announcement coincides with the Social Democrats selecting their leading candidate for next year’s municipal elections, where Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil is the only candidate so far. Tonight, the party will hold an extraordinary meeting to officially choose their candidate for the mayor’s position.

(via dr.dk)