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Heart café launched in Aalborg to support heart patients and families

Wednesday 11th 2024 on 14:33 in  

Maria Lehmann Madsen, a 44-year-old schoolteacher from Elling, experienced a heart attack and subsequent feelings of isolation during her recovery in the hospital. Despite the presence of loving family, devoted friends, and sweet children, she felt engulfed by her own thoughts. “There were so many thoughts that I couldn’t keep track of them,” she reflected, expressing concern over how to communicate her experience to her children’s friends and how to comfort her grieving mother.

Reflecting on her journey since the heart attack four years ago, Maria has since recovered but longs for the reassurance of someone who understands the fear and confusion associated with near-death experiences. In response to such needs, the Heart Association in Aalborg has launched a Heart Café, a supportive space for heart patients and their families to connect with others who have shared similar experiences.

Finn Lund Nyby, the chairman of the Heart Association in Aalborg, noted that many patients feel the need for open conversations about their feelings after such traumatic health events. The café aims to fill this gap, with hopes of attracting 30-40 attendees for meaningful discussions.

Pernille Ibsen Hauge, head of counseling and volunteer work at the Heart Association, emphasized the unique understanding shared among those in similar situations, highlighting the importance of mutual reflection and support.

The Heart Café in Aalborg will be open every other Wednesday, providing an essential resource for individuals navigating life after heart disease. In Denmark, approximately 670,000 people are affected by cardiovascular diseases, underscoring the importance of such community initiatives.

(via dr.dk)