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Mid Party to field candidates in municipal elections in Tórshavn and Klaksvík

Wednesday 11th 2024 on 14:08 in  
Faroe Islands

The Mid Party will be fielding candidates in the municipal elections this November in Tórshavn and Klaksvík. This announcement was made by the party chairman, Jenis av Rana.

“We have a few names in mind and are continuing to work on gathering more candidates,” he stated. This marks the Mid Party’s first attempt at running for the city council in Klaksvík and their return to Tórshavn after a hiatus since 2012.

The party’s political approach centers heavily on value-based issues, which av Rana believes are more relevant in the national parliament than at the municipal level. However, he acknowledged that younger generations feel the party should also have representation in local councils, as there are important topics to address at that level as well.

Av Rana confirmed that there is ongoing work to finalize more names for the candidate lists in both Klaksvík and Tórshavn. Currently, both lists reflect gender equality, comprising an equal number of male and female candidates.

(via kvf.fo)