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Gender pay gap increases to 9.3% in 2023, highlighting disparities across industries in Sweden

Wednesday 11th 2024 on 12:58 in  

The gender pay gap has seen an increase over the years, with the unadjusted pay difference between men and women reaching 9.3% in 2023, up from 9.1% the previous year. This disparity tends to widen with age and varies across different industries.

According to the latest data, the largest pay gap is in the finance and insurance sector, where the difference stands at nearly 26%. In contrast, the smallest gap, measuring -1.1%, is found in the utilities sector, which includes water supply, wastewater, waste management, and pollution control.

The pay gap varies significantly among different age groups as well. For individuals aged 24 and younger, the gap is minimal at only 0.6%. However, for those aged 35-44, it rises to 9.5%, and for the 55-64 age group, it escalates to 14.9%.

When it comes to hourly wages, men earn 22.9% more than women in the technical and specialized professions. In office roles, the gap is notably lower at -2.4%. The primary reason for this persistent pay difference is the gender-based distribution of jobs and industries. Women generally have lower hourly wages, with a significant impact from the higher number of overtime hours worked by men, which are typically compensated at a higher rate than regular hours.

This ongoing trend highlights the need for continued efforts to bridge the gender pay gap and promote equity across all sectors of the workforce.

(via ruv.is)