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Attorney defends Kiantama CEO and partner against human trafficking charges in Finland

Wednesday 11th 2024 on 12:50 in  

In a significant legal case concerning the rights of berry pickers, attorney Tomi Tanskanen presented his defense on Wednesday for Kiantama and its CEO Vernu Vasunta, who are accused of serious human trafficking. Tanskanen argued that the prosecutor has misunderstood both the situation of the pickers and Kiantama’s role in it.

Kiantama and its business partner, Thai national Kalyakorn “Durian” Phongpitia, are facing 62 counts of severe human trafficking, with a request for three to four years of unconditional imprisonment. Both have denied the allegations.

In the defense’s presentation, Tanskanen noted that Thai pickers have been working with Kiantama for 15 years, and their conditions have improved over time with regular collaboration among authorities and other businesses. He mentioned that concerns about the pickers’ status were first raised in 2009 by the minority ombudsman, who did not then consider the situation human trafficking.

Tanskanen also pointed out that the police ordered the cessation of picking activities in September 2022, causing harm to both the pickers and Kiantama. He emphasized that the contracts made by the pickers in Thailand were unknown to Kiantama prior to the investigation.

The defense maintains that the pickers were given cash advances regularly, and while most felt that food and accommodations were satisfactory, there was no evidence of poor conditions that would indicate exploitation. Tanskanen argued that for charges of human trafficking to hold, it must be demonstrated that the intent was to place the pickers in forced labor, something he asserts did not occur.

The trial is set to continue with evidence presentation and witness testimony, following a schedule that spans three days a week over 22 weeks, with final statements anticipated around mid-March.

(via yle.fi)