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Kotka initiates cleanup of unauthorized camping area amid community resistance

Wednesday 11th 2024 on 11:40 in  

The city of Kotka is swiftly moving to clear an unauthorized camping area near the city center, known to residents as “Laiskanranta.” According to Katri Ervasti, head of land management, the cleanup will commence as soon as a contractor is secured for the job. Some residents have gradually transformed city-owned land into a gathering spot that features furniture, grills, and various lawn games. These makeshift seating areas have existed at the beach for over a decade. An outdoor toilet, installed in the area, was dismantled following a city directive.

Ervasti stated that the city has long demanded the removal of personal belongings from the site, with a deadline that expired in late August. “Now that significant time has passed, the city may consider these items abandoned. We will not store them; they will be recycled,” Ervasti explained. The city plans to hire a company for the clearing, which could happen within the week or by next week at the latest. The costs will be billed to the owners of the items.

Residents such as Markus Laitinen have expressed defiance, stating that items like chairs and dartboards will not be removed. “We’ll keep our presence here; the city can even carry us away if they want. There is a spirit of rebellion,” Laitinen commented.

Furthermore, Kotka city intends to file a police report regarding the occupation and environmental degradation. According to Ervasti, this will happen in the coming days, and the city may also seek damages. The issue has escalated to a police matter as discussions over the area have been unproductive, leading to reported disturbances and damage to local nature. The city continues to monitor illegal use of its land, noting that some individuals have parked trailers or stored firewood without permission.

(via yle.fi)