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Teenager faces attempted murder charges in Frederiksberg Court after links to grenades in Tingbjerg

Wednesday 11th 2024 on 10:28 in  

A 16-year-old Swedish boy, dressed in a hoodie, pajama pants, and flip-flops, appeared in a preliminary hearing at the Frederiksberg Court on Wednesday morning. The boy faces charges of attempted murder, weapons possession, and attempted bombing in a case involving a 25-year-old Swedish man who was arrested with two hand grenades in Tingbjerg.

According to police, the young boy spent three days seeking out his targets, intending to either shoot them or use grenades, in collaboration with the 25-year-old. The older man is already in custody in connection with the case.

The attempts occurred on the evening of August 13 when the two Swedish individuals received instructions from unidentified accomplices to locate three individuals at a supermarket in Copenhagen, who they intended to shoot. The 16-year-old attempted to fire a handgun but it malfunctioned. They were then directed to Mjølnerparken to target additional individuals, but again, the weapon did not function. Earlier, they had also searched at Branddammen in Brønshøj for potential targets but left without finding anyone of interest. The pair had been given two electric bicycles for transportation.

In relation to the grenades case in Tingbjerg, the aforementioned 25-year-old Swedish man, along with a 41-year-old Danish man and another 25-year-old Danish man, has been incarcerated. They were all detained around mid-August. The 25-year-old Swede is charged with possessing the grenades, while the others are primarily suspected of providing logistical support such as transportation, funding, and housing.

All preliminary hearings have been conducted behind closed doors, including Wednesday’s session. The Swedish boy has been in custody since August 19 in Sweden but was extradited to Denmark yesterday and denies the charges against him.

(via dr.dk)